Crisis in the Relationship

Every relationship goes through phases of crisis. 

Explosive arguments.

Or silent withdrawal.

Conflicting desires.

Unspoken needs. 

It’s not comfortable to feel like the ground is shaking and stability is gone. 

To feel like you have to find answers to questions that seem too big. 

“Will we stay together?” “Are we going to get through this?”

I’ve been there, and I know that we will be there again. 

The point is not to find a quick solution. If it was that easy you would have done that already. 

The point is to show up with an open heart and STAY WHERE IT FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE. 

Crisis is NEEDED for growth. In the falling apart of structures that don’t work anymore we can find clarity and truth. 

And if possible: REBIRTH.

The question is not “How do we prevent the crisis form happening?” 

But: “How do we build resilience and train ourselves to stay open hearted and connected, WHEN crisis happens?


There are tools for skillful communication, there are ways to create safe spaces to share and find answers. There are practices to stay in connection and calm down your nervous systems together. 

We need to remind each other that we DO have the strength to connect with the moment, no matter how harsh. Connect with each other, no matter how vulnerable. 

Where is the support for your relationship? 

Where can you be supported more?

Sending you love!!


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