The first time that Troy and I spent the night together
The first time that Troy and I slept in the same bed wasn’t the result of a romantic date. I was visiting Hawaii with a dear friend, and we were meeting with ‘this guy that I knew from Tamera’ (Troy that is) who was living in a little cabin with one bed. At the end of the day we ended up in that bed, with no other intentions but to sleep.
I remember waking up in the middle of the night and rolling over. My eyes met Troy’s eyes, who also was awake. Our eyes locked and didn’t let each other go for what felt like hours. There didn’t seem to be any thoughts. Just a deep sense of dissolving into something larger than us. A sense of rightness. In a way I feel that this moment is how our relationship started, even though it took many more months before we actually ‘fell in love’
After six months of being in our relationship we said that it felt like we’d been together for six years. And I wondered what six years would look like..
As we are coming up on six years of being together, I look back on a journey that I could not have imagined. It’s been more beautiful, wild, fun and adventurous. It’s been more heartbreaking, painful and confusing as well.
The journeys of our relationships cover so much terrain, most of it unexpected.
Some moments are anchor points. They don’t have to be spectacular or extraordinairy moments, but moment that make us remember. “Yes, you are my partner, we’re in this together.” These moments can help us anchor into the larger story of our relationship and why we are together.
The memory of that first night looking into each others eyes will come back every now and then. Seducing me to look beyond the present moment struggle, and reconnect with the potential that we carry.
What are your relationship anchors?
What are the moments that you call on to remember the essence of your love?