The Power of Intention
Last week Troy and I were immersed in training that was filled with powerful emotional processes and ceremony’s. We started the week with writing down our intentions, one of mine being:
‘I want to experience more love where my defense mechanism is to get contracted and shut down’.
Throughout the week I was continuously reminded of the power of intentionally inviting this growth.
I noticed a shift when a small relational trigger arose in me that could have easily become a major process. In this particular moment I felt left alone by Troy, and my default reaction would be to contract and remove myself from the situation.
So now I had a choice. I could follow the pattern that I knew. Or I could follow my intention, and open out of the contraction, instead of walking away.
The intention that I had said gave me power and permission to do something new, and I could feel a re-patterning happening in my body. Even though the trigger wasn’t immediately ‘resolved’, I felt a sense of victory “I just did something new!”
When I have clearly stated what I want, I can’t ignore the moments of choice.
Which to me means freedom.
In our daily lives intention can get lost, and it is much harder to not go into well formed ways of reacting. Defaults are defaults for a reason; it seems temptingly easy to act out my angry inner child than to take responsibility and share vulnerability
The easiest way to use the power of intention for me is to share intentions with my partner.
"This is where I’m at, and this is how I want to grow”.
Speaking a desire for our time together.
Setting an intention for a conversation.
Intentionally leaving the day behind before entering lovemaking.
What ways of inviting intention can you cultivate more?
What happens when you set an intention?
If you are in a relationship - how can you support each other’s intentions?
Big hug