You Have to be Willing to Let it Go...

In order to have a happy, healthy, passionate relationship you have to be willing to let it go.

Not just once, but over and over again.

If there’s one thing that has challenged me I the last year it has been the strong call for Troy and I to let go of our relationship.

We didn’t actually end up separating, but we faced the the reality that this might happen. We had to go inside and look deeply if it was right for us to continue in the way that we were, and face the reality that we might not continue in our current form.

I had to feel that I would still be ok.

That there would still be love

That changing relationship form is not a failure.

That I want truth more than something that doesn’t serve our full potential.

I had to let go of what I hoped and dreamed and expected and wasn’t willing to let go of.

In order to truly grow, to truly stay current, we HAVE to be willing to let go.

As for Troy and I: in the letting go we found a place of love and openness.

When expectations were gone there was curiosity again.

Slowly, without us being able to ‘make it happen’, a rebirth happened. Not because we thought that we wanted it, or needed it, but because it was right.

Commitment to me means; I’m with you as if it is for the rest of my life.

I’m all in.

And, I am willing to stay with the truth of our connection. I am willing to let go.

I love myself and you enough to want the truth for us, whether that is together or not.

I cannot tell the story without mentioning the support that we had through this process.

Our elder and mentor, who has been with us since the start of our relationship, held us in his field of wisdom and love. Not steering the process in any way, but simply being present. Telling the story of our love, regardless of form.

I am here to hold space for you to let go, let be and find your unique rebirth as a couple. In whatever form is truly right for you.

Sending you love


How to be with conflicting desires...


You Deserve to be in a Loving, Connected, Cherishing Relationship